The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW) is excited to partner with student organizations, campus partners, and community partners to bring awareness and survivor support to our community for Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Throughout the month, there will be several events and social media posts on ways to engage in SAAM. See our 2023 SAAM calendar of events below. Please follow @fsuchaw to engage with us all month!

Monday, April 3rd | TBTN Poster Making Party | 6PM to 8PM in CHAW (4th floor of the Health and Wellness Center)
Plan on joining the student-led march to Take Back the Night on April 13th? You might want a poster to carry with you! Join us in CHAW as we make posters to take back the night. Posters, paint, and paintbrushes will be provided.
Tuesday, April 4th | Teal Tuesday & Resource Fair | 11AM to 1PM on Landis Green
Wear or display teal to show your support for survivors. Take pictures and share online, using @FSUCHAW and #FSUTealTuesday. If you want to learn more about campus and community resources about sexual violence or need teal ribbons, stop by the resource fair on Landis Green!
Thursday, April 6th | Sex After Trauma: For the Survivors | 6:30PM to 8PM at in HWC2500
For the Survivors is the second installment of our Sex After Trauma series. It will explore how trauma impacts our bodies and behaviors and how it can impact sexual + romantic relationships. Attendees will learn how they can incorporate trauma-informed practices into dating and their sex lives to accommodate their own triggers, while maintaining their own boundaries and safety in relationships.
Monday, April 10th | Title IX Dinner and Dialogue | 7PM to 9PM in SSB201
50 years ago, Title IX was signed into law. This landmark legislation has been credited with profoundly changing education in the US by unlocking access to educational and athletic opportunities in schools. Join CHAW and the Office of Title IX for a dinner and a conversation that explores the impact of Title IX, emerging issues, and the future of Title IX. Dinner is provided. Limited seats available; no registration is required.
Tuesday, April 11th | Supporting our Students Panel for Faculty | 11:30AM to 12:30PM at HR Training Center
The Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement invite all interested faculty to a roundtable discussion about how to best support our students who are victims of interpersonal violence and students interacting with reporting processes. The roundtable discussion will be facilitated by the following:
Angela Lauer Chong, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Moderator
Sarah Lull, Senior Assistant Dean of Students, Director of Victim Advocate Program
Jennifer Buchanan, Associate Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement
Tuesday, April 11th | You + Me + We | 6:20PM to 8:20PM in HCB201.
An interactive conversation that focuses on college dating culture, creating healthy relationships, establishing consent, and being there to support a friend. The presentation emphasizes the importance of communication and boundaries in all types of relationships.
Thursday, April 13th | Take Back the Night | 6:30PM to 9PM at HWC Courtyard
TBTN is about celebrating the strength and resilience of survivors of sexual violence and holding our campus accountable to creating change. Take Back the Night will begin with a march with student leaders from Legacy Fountain at Landis Green at 6PM. The rally, with survivor speak-out and performances at HWC Courtyard begins at 6:30PM.
Tuesday, April 18th | Supporting Our Students Panel for Staff | 1PM to 2:30PM in SSB203
The Division of Student Affairs invites all interested staff to a roundtable discussion about how to best support our students who are victims of interpersonal violence and students interacting with reporting processes. The roundtable discussion will be facilitated by the following:
Freddy Juarez, Director of the Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Panel Moderator
Angela Lauer Chong, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students,
Sarah Lull, Senior Assistant Dean of Students, Director of Victim Advocate Program
Thursday, April 20th | Exhale: An Afternoon of Art, Expression, and Healing | 3PM to 5PM at HWC Courtyard
Exhale is an interactive event in support of survivors of sexual violence. We recognize that sexual violence and the emotions associated with supporting survivors, healing, and growing from these experiences are complex and come in many shapes and sizes. Exhale's goal is to create a safe space in hopes that participants can find support through community and through their creative outlets.
Wednesday, April 26th | Denim Day
Wear denim to take a stand against victim blaming. Take pictures and sharing online, using #FSUDenimDay. Head over to to learn more about the campaign.
Take Back the Night & Survivor Zine Submissions
We are looking for survivors in the FSU community who are comfortable sharing their stories, poetry, and artwork about healing and survivorship after experiencing sexual violence at Take Back the Night on April 13th or in the Survivor Zine. To sign-up to share your story at Take Back the Night or submit to the zine, please fill out this anonymous submission form.
SAAM Syllabus
The SAAM Syllabus is an introduction to Sexual Assault Awareness Month, violence prevention, advocacy, and trauma. The SAAM Syllabus is a collection of history, academic articles and journals, and playlists that explore sexual violence, consent, bystander intervention, public policy, and how they intersect with identity. This syllabus is a living and breathing document and will grow as we continue to grow in our prevention efforts. We publish this syllabus with hopes that you will engage with it, call yourself in, and learn more about sexual violence to create the more supportive community we are actively working towards. You can access the syllabus here.