Presentation Request

Request link:

Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness

  • Green Dot: This presentation can range from 30-90 minutes depending on the group’s preference. This inspiring and interactive presentation focuses on what everyone can do in their daily lives to decrease power-based personal violence.
  • Rewriting the Norms: A 60 -minute presentation that delves into the culture that perpetuates power-based personal violence. This presentation will look at the history, media, and experience of survivors. Participants will dialogue on the issue and brainstorm ways that they can contribute to culture change.
  • Healthy Relationships: An interactive conversation that focuses on college dating culture, creating healthy relationships, establishing consent, and being there to support a friend. The presentation emphasizes the importance of communication and boundaries in all types of relationships. You are guaranteed to learn something new about yourself and others.

Victim Advocate Program

  • Victim Advocate Program (VAP) – This presentation will provide participants with a basic understanding of the services offered by the VAP, including how referrals are received and who qualifies for our services. Power-based personal violence offenses will be discussed as well as the university conduct process and options for evidence collection and reporting to law enforcement.
  • Survivor Support – Provided by VAP staff, this presentation will discuss ways to help someone who has suffered trauma, especially a sexual assault. Options and resources will be discussed as well as practical things we can do to help a friend or family member and how we can take care of ourselves when helping others after a victimization.

Title IX

  • 37 Words: A Guide to Title IX – This 45-60 minute presentation explains what Title IX is, defines sexual misconduct and discusses how to file a report and what happens after a report is made. The presentation can be tailored for audiences of students or faculty and staff.
  • Title IX Reporting – This 30 minute presentation educates faculty and staff about their reporting obligations under Title IX